
Declaring the Major

Students interested in pursuing the Communication Arts major are encouraged to encounter with a Advice Arts advisor. Please see the Communication Arts website for instructions on how to declare the major. Non–Letters & Science students volition demand permission from their school or college to pursue an boosted major in Communication Arts.

On This Page

  • University Full general Education Requirements
  • College of Letters & Scientific discipline Degree Requirements: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
  • Requirements for the Major
  • Residence and Quality of Work
  • Honors in the Major in Advice Arts
  • Footnotes
  • University Degree Requirements

University General Education Requirements

All undergraduate students at the Academy of Wisconsin–Madison are required to fulfill a minimum gear up of mutual university general instruction requirements to ensure that every graduate acquires the essential cadre of an undergraduate didactics. This core establishes a foundation for living a productive life, existence a citizen of the world, appreciating aesthetic values, and engaging in lifelong learning in a continually changing world. Various schools and colleges will have requirements in addition to the requirements listed beneath. Consult your advisor for assist, as needed. For additional data, meet the university Undergraduate General Education Requirements section of the Guide.

General Education
  • Breadth—Humanities/Literature/Arts: vi credits
  • Latitude—Natural Science: 4 to 6 credits, consisting of 1 4- or five-credit course with a laboratory component; or two courses providing a total of 6 credits
  • Breadth—Social Studies: three credits
  • Advice Part A & Part B *
  • Ethnic Studies *
  • Quantitative Reasoning Function A & Function B *

* The mortarboard symbol appears before the title of whatsoever form that fulfills i of the Communication Part A or Part B, Ethnic Studies, or Quantitative Reasoning Part A or Role B requirements.

College of Letters & Science Degree Requirements: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Students pursuing a bachelor of arts degree in the College of Letters & Scientific discipline must consummate all of the requirements beneath. The College of Letters & Science allows this major to be paired with either a bachelor of arts or a bachelor of science curriculum.

Bachelor of Arts degree requirements

Mathematics Complete the University General Teaching Requirements for Quantitative Reasoning A (QR-A) and Quantitative Reasoning B (QR-B) coursework.
Foreign Linguistic communication
  • Consummate the fourth unit of a foreign linguistic communication; OR
  • Complete the 3rd unit of a strange language and the second unit of measurement of an additional foreign linguistic communication.
Fifty&South Breadth
  • 12 credits of Humanities, which must include six credits of literature; and
  • 12 credits of Social Scientific discipline; and
  • 12 credits of Natural Science, which must include one 3+ credit Biological Science class and one 3+ credit Concrete Science form.
Liberal Arts and Science Coursework Complete at to the lowest degree 108 credits.
Depth of Intermediate/Advanced work Consummate at least sixty credits at the intermediate or advanced level.
Major Declare and complete at least ane major.
Total Credits Complete at least 120 credits.
UW-Madison Experience
  • 30 credits in residence, overall; and
  • xxx credits in residence after the 86th credit.
Quality of Work
  • ii.000 in all coursework at UW–Madison
  • 2.000 in Intermediate/Advanced level coursework at UW–Madison

Non–50&S students pursuing an Fifty&South major

Non–Fifty&Due south students who accept permission from their schoolhouse/college to pursue an boosted major within Fifty&South only need to fulfill the major requirements. They do not need to complete the L&Due south Caste Requirements above.

Requirements for the Major

Communication Arts offers two options inside the major:

  • Communication Scientific discipline and Rhetorical Studies
  • Radio–Tv–Movie

Students declare one of the two options and consummate a minimum of 10 courses and at least 30 credits in the major. Please note that COM ARTS courses numbered below 200 as well as COM ARTS 605, COM ARTS 614, and COM ARTS 615 exercise not count in the major.

Students must select one of the following options:

  • Advice Arts: Advice Science and Rhetorical Studies

  • Communication Arts: Radio-Tv-Picture

Residence and Quality of Work

  • 2.000 GPA in all COM ARTS and major courses
  • 2.000 GPA on at least 15 credits of upper-level work in the major, in residence.  (Major courses with Intermediate or Advanced level are considered upper-level).
  • 15 credits of COM ARTS major courses (200-699) taken on the UW-Madison campus.1

Honors in the Major in Communication Arts

Students may apply to pursue Honors in the Communication Arts major in consultation with a Communication Arts undergraduate advisor. To be accepted students must have:

  • Completed the fundamentals course and the two core courses for their alleged selection and
  • Earned a 3.500 GPA in all COM ARTS courses

Honors in the Communication Arts Major Requirements

To earn Honors in the Major in Advice Arts, students must satisfy both the requirements for the major (above) and the following additional requirements:

  • iii.300 Academy GPA
  • 3.500 GPA for all COM ARTS major courses
  • Complete the requirements for the declared major pick, to include:
    • All theory, history, criticism courses taken to see the regular major requirements within the declared option must be 400 level or higher.
    • I additional theory, history, criticism form at the 400 level or college.
    • Iii theory, history and criticism courses must be completed on campus.1
    • A ii-semester senior honors thesis inCOM ARTS 681 andCOM ARTS 682, for a full of 6 credits.2


University Caste Requirements

Total Degree To receive a bachelor's degree from UW–Madison, students must earn a minimum of 120 degree credits. The requirements for some programs may exceed 120 caste credits. Students should consult with their college or section advisor for information on specific credit requirements.
Residency Degree candidates are required to earn a minimum of xxx credits in residence at UW–Madison. "In residence" means on the UW–Madison campus with an undergraduate degree nomenclature. "In residence" credit besides includes UW–Madison courses offered in altitude or online formats and credits earned in UW–Madison Study Abroad/Study Away programs.
Quality of Work Undergraduate students must maintain the minimum class indicate average specified by the school, college, or academic programme to remain in good academic standing. Students whose bookish performance drops below these minimum thresholds volition exist placed on bookish probation.
  1. Demonstrate an agreement of cadre content in either of the ii tracks: Advice Science and Rhetorical Studies or Radio-TV-Moving picture.
  2. Comport theoretical, historical, and critical analyses of communication arts, demonstrating utilize of inquiry methodologies and analytic tools/techniques appropriate to their tracks.
  3. Demonstrate an power to communicate effectively in writing, orally, or via the creation of media content (due east.g., digital, picture).

Please see any of the Named Options for a four-yr programme.

Communication Arts Academic Advising

Communication arts academic advisors aid students throughout their undergraduate studies. Please see the Communication Arts website for advising options.

Contact Information:

Steffie Halverson, 6114 Vilas Hall, 608-262-2285,

Mary Rossa, 6068 Vilas Hall, 608-262-0992,

Communication Arts courses

The Advice Arts Section offers a wide array of courses. All the courses listed in the Guide are not offered each semester. Please run into Course Search and Enroll for current class offerings.

Career advising

The communication and media career advisor assists students with career grooming, such as exploring career options, learning internship and job search strategies, and writing resumes and cover letters.

Contact Information:

Pam Garcia-Rivera, 5114 Vilas Hall, 608-890-1046,

career Exploration and training

Proceeds Experience

The Department of Communication Arts encourages students to employ the noesis and skills they reach through coursework to professional person settings. Internships and part-time jobs at telly networks, nonprofit organizations, talent agencies, magazines, radio stations, advertizing agencies, production companies, regime agencies, and other advice-related businesses help students gain work-related feel and explore career options. Advising emails and postings provide advice arts majors with data on opportunities across the country.

Communication arts offers a one-credit, online academic grade to accompany a student's internship experience: COM ARTS 614 Field Experience in Communication and COM ARTS 615 2d Field Feel in Advice .

nourish events

Throughout the academic year, students have the opportunity to participate in several communication-focused, career-related events, such as invitee speakers, career panels, and the advertising and communications career off-white.

communication arts alumni careers at a glance

After completing a liberal arts education with a advice arts major, communication arts alumni pursue a variety of careers. In a recent survey, advice arts alumni were asked to provide and categorize their occupation. The results are available on the Section of Advice Arts website:

  • Communication Science & Rhetorical Studies Alumni Careers
  • Radio–Idiot box–Moving picture Alumni Careers

L&S career resources

SuccessWorks at the College of Letters & Scientific discipline helps students leverage the academic skills learned in their major, certificates, and liberal arts degree; explore and effort out different career paths; participate in internships; set up for the chore search and/or graduate school applications; and network with professionals in the field (alumni and employers). In brusque, SuccessWorks helps students in the Higher of Messages & Scientific discipline discover themselves, find opportunities, and develop the skills they need for success after graduation.

SuccessWorks can as well assist students in career advising,résumé and embrace alphabetic character writing, networking opportunities, and interview skills, as well equally course offerings for undergraduates to begin their career exploration early in their undergraduate career.

Students should gear up their profiles in Handshake to take care of everything they need to explore career events, manage their campus interviews, and apply to jobs and internships from 200,000+ employers around the country.

  • SuccessWorks
  • Set up a career advising appointment
  • INTER-LS 210 L&Due south Career Development: Taking Initiative (1 credit, targeted to beginning- and second-year students)—for more than information, run into Inter-LS 210: Career Development, Taking Initiative
  • INTER-LS 215 Communicating Nearly Careers (3 credits, fulfills Com B General Pedagogy Requirement)
  • Handshake
  • Learn how we're transforming career preparation: L&S Career Initiative

Please run into the People department of the Section of Communication Arts website for additional data.


Communication Science and Rhetorical Studies

Robert Asen, Professor; Robert Glenn Howard, Professor; Jenell Johnson, Associate Professor; Marie-Louise Mares, Professor; Sara McKinnon, Associate Professor; Zhongdang Pan, Professor; Allison Prasch, Assistant Professor; Catalina Toma, Associate Professor; Lyn Van Swol, Professor; Lillie Williamson; Assistant Professor; Michael Xenos, Professor; Susan Zaeske, Associate Dean and Professor


Kelley Conway, Professor; Jonathan Gray, Professor; Aaron Greer, Associate Professor, Eric Hoyt, Associate Professor; Lea Jacobs, Professor; Derek Johnson, Professor; Jason Lopez, Banana Professor;  Lori Lopez, Associate Professor; Darshana Mini, Banana Professor, Jeremy Morris, Acquaintance Professor; Ben Singer, Acquaintance Professor; Jeff Smith, Professor

Instructional Staff

Lisa Ellis, Senior Lecturer; Erik Gunneson, Kinesthesia Associate; Sarah Jedd, Faculty Acquaintance; Mary McCoy, Faculty Associate; Amanda Shubert, Associate Lecturer

Bookish Advising

Steffie Halverson, Advisor; Mary Rossa, Senior Educatee Services Coordinator

Career Advising

Pam Garcia-Rivera, Senior Student Services Coordinator

Wisconsin Experience

student organizations

UW–Madison offers many opportunities to get involved. Communication arts majors join student organizations across their areas of involvement.

Department-Affiliated Organizations:

  • Communication Arts Educatee Association (CASA)
  • Hollywood Badgers

Meet the Department of Advice Arts website for a sampling of other UW–Madison student organizations that may exist of interest to advice-focused students.

Studying Abroad

Communications arts majors are encouraged to look at written report abroad programs and opportunities beyond the globe. Our students have studied in cities such as London, Rome, Tel Aviv, Prague, Galway, Sydney, Madrid, Bologna, Cape Town, Paris, Copenhagen, and Buenos Aires. When planning for their semester away, students should think beyond courses required for their major. Students are encouraged to take courses from a variety of subjects to satisfy requirements and elective credits for their degree.

research opportunities

Advice scientific discipline inquiry team members gain hands-on research experience. Undergraduate enquiry assistants may acquire to code and enter data, interview participants, gather and prepare inquiry materials, run experiments, and perform other activities required to complete a inquiry study. Reading and writing assignments related to the research activities are assigned throughout the semester. Opportunities to participate in a research team vary from semester to semester.


Students apply for scholarships online through Wisconsin Scholarship Hub. The Department of Communication Arts offers the following scholarships:

  • Christopher Neal Heinlein Memorial Scholarships
  • S. Nelson and Carmella Yard. Nelson Scholarship
  • Charline M. Wackman Awards for Summer Session
  • Charline Thou. Wackman Awards (Autumn Term)
  • Keith Harris Wyche Memorial Scholarships

Summer Internship Fund

The Advice Arts Department and Alumni Summer Internship Fund helps Advice Arts majors participate in internships with businesses or non-turn a profit organizations.

See the scholarship and internship fund sections of the section website for additional details.